[DISCLAIMER] This is the team work result of #MalwareMustDie, for the security reason we are not going to expose the name of them, yet all of the credits are going to the two terrific decoders in our team. The material written in this blog IS NOT CONTAINING malicious code, however for proofing the theory of these malware codes may causing damage if you're not be careful, so for those who want to learn and try, do it with your own risk
Details is as follows:
The infected code snipped like below:</html><script>/*km0ae9gr6m*/window.eval(String.fromChar ,59,105,102,40,33,39,39,46,114,101,112,108,97,99,101,40, 4,101,112,108,97,99,101,40,110,101,119,32,82,101,103,69, 4,67,44,49,99,44,97,44,107,44,72,44,75,44,49,107,44,112, 51,44,48,44,49,55,44,111,44,100,44,48,44,57,44,52,44,104 4,48,44,57,44,52,44,104,44,55,44,71,44,112,44,51,44,48,4 ,44,121,44,97,44,52,44,73,44,48,44,49,56,44,48,44,57,44, 4,77,44,51,44,103,44,97,44,49,65,44,51,44,50,112,44,69,4 ,44,97,44,65,44,51,44,77,44,51,44,50,101,44,49,82,44,50, ,49,102,44,75,44,49,104,44,48,44,72,44,49,52,44,69,44,55The original code is as per this pastebin war here-->>[PASTEBIN1] This code is easily be deobfuscated into the following obfuscation code:↑which the neutralized one you can see it in RAW here--->>[PASTEBIN2] We tried to solved this in some times, and always get into the undefined result, garble of character encoded, seems meaningless i.r.: like below result:
{-}(){=}=-;{*}(){="";=[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, snip snip ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,];=""}()=[+""];=;=[];=;=(()?"":"");(;-+>;+=){=;()=+[+(()?"":)](([]/(+("%"))))}()();Shortly, firstly, as always, we cracked the code. Secondly, to malware coder, we got a message for you: "You are a lame coder!" And the third is we are sharing the way to decode this to all Good People as follows: 1. Function function(p,a,c,k,e,r) is "unpacking" the 2nd parameter 2. Replace eval with alert or prompt and that will eventually lead to second layer of obfuscation as per snipped below:try{ 1-prototype }catch(asd){ x=2 } i=2-2; try{ prototype*5 }catch(z){ fr="fromChar"; f=[816,1053,880,891,928,945,888,990..... 6,840,1035,368,585,256,37,928,909,92..... 0,104,616,531,9,808,900,256,378,256,..... 1044,8324,576,999,936,1026,920,360,3..... : : 28,288,496,220,1035,256,378,256,432,9..... 2,90,256,288,2514,520,531256,1044,83..... 2,945,920,414,616,51044,936,1026,880,..... v="eva" } if(v) e=window[v+"l"]; w=f; s=[]; r=String; z=((e)?"Code":""); for(;1780-5+5>i;i+=1){ j=i; if(e) s=s+r[fr+((e)?"Code":12)]((w[j]/(8+e("j%2")))) } if(f) e(s);Original RAW is here--->>[PASTEBIN3] 3. Look at the last line as per snipped below..if(f) e(s);↑simply remove e(s); and replace it with alert(s); 4. Then you will get the below snip code:// Seems like another piece of Shit from Exploit Kit writers. :P function nextRandomNumber(){ var hi=this.seed/this.Q; var lo=this.seed%this.Q; var test=this.A*lo-this.R*hi; if(test>0){ this.seed=test }else{ this.seed=test+this.M } return(this.seed*this.oneOverM) } function RandomNumberGenerator(unix){ var d=new Date(unix*1000); var s=d.getHours()>12?1:0; this.seed=2345678901+(d.getMonth()*0xFFFFFF)+(d.getDate()*0xFFFF)+(Math.round(s*0xFFF)); this.A=48271;this.M=2147483647; this.Q=this.M/this.A; this.R=this.M%this.A; this.oneOverM=1.0/this.M; this.next=nextRandomNumber; return this } function createRandomNumber(r,Min,Max){ return Math.round((Max-Min)*r.next()+Min) } function generatePseudoRandomString(unix,length,zone){ var rand=new RandomNumberGenerator(unix); var letters=['a','b','c','d','e','f','g', : :↑is our ol'friend PseudoRandom aka JS/RunForrestRun. 5. If you use our simulation tool for cracking PseudoRandom that we released- at the previous post here---->>[Fuzzy In Cracking PseudoRandom] then you will get - the domains represented by pseudorandom domains from June/1/2012 through - January/1/2014 as per below little parts snips:1338508801 - ehfrhcojkjhatimj.ru 1338517801 - ehfrhcojkjhatimj.ru 1338526801 - zfguwvhdmjlutvwo.ru 1338535801 - zfguwvhdmjlutvwo.ru 1338544801 - zfguwvhdmjlutvwo.ru 1338553801 - zfguwvhdmjlutvwo.ru 1338562801 - zfguwvhdmjlutvwo.ru 1338571801 - cmvecwckuongascy.ru 1338580801 - cmvecwckuongascy.ru 1338589801 - cmvecwckuongascy.ru 1338598801 - cmvecwckuongascy.ru 1338607801 - cmvecwckuongascy.ru 1338616801 - mtiidqbknpskzasp.ru 1338625801 - mtiidqbknpskzasp.ru 1338634801 - mtiidqbknpskzasp.ru 1338643801 - mtiidqbknpskzasp.ru 1338652801 - mtiidqbknpskzasp.ru 1338661801 - oxwmjyewrnttdsgv.ru 1338670801 - oxwmjyewrnttdsgv.ru 1338679801 - oxwmjyewrnttdsgv.ru 1338688801 - oxwmjyewrnttdsgv.ru 1338697801 - xflrjyyjswoatsoq.ru 1338706801 - xflrjyyjswoatsoq.ru 1338715801 - xflrjyyjswoatsoq.ru 1338724801 - xflrjyyjswoatsoq.ru 1338733801 - xflrjyyjswoatsoq.ru : : : :↑the complete list is in the RAW here--->>[PASTEBIN4] 6. URLS for this month can be found by searching for unix times as/below example:1349049601 OCTOBER-1-2012 1351728001 NOVEMBER-1-20127. We are saying that for Good Guys to make Registration to these- domains and SINKHOLE THEM ALL before becoming weaponized by - malware infections! End of story, hope our team effort is useful to prevent further infection and to supress the malware growth into the very minimum level. The credit goes to two gentlemen who spent their resting time due to hectic daily - errands to do good deed to fight against malware! End of story, support us by tweet our beloved below #hashtag, And don't forget to visit our Google Groups site here--->>[LINK] for more tips :-) #MalwareMustDie!!