I got lucky to have the similar sample by today's date in my honeypot as per following snapshot and just can't help to take a look into it..

The email header shows the spambot signatures:
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 09:45:57 -0800 From: "Fiserv Secure Notification"And the passworded archive as attachment like the below snapshot:User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20110929 Thunderbird/7.0.1" MIME-Version: 1.0

And by filling the provided information will lead you to the sample here-->>[VirusTotal]
This time it looks like Virus Total was making limited behavior analysis on the sample so I decided to check it myself.
I renamed the malicious attachment with the filename sample2.exe and runs it, as per seen in the decrypt binary code it connected to the below pony gateways:
h00p:// h00p://nourrirnotremonde.org/ponyb/gate.php h00p://zoecopenhagen.com/ponyb/gate.php h00p://goldenstatewealth.com/ponyb/gate.phpOK, is a pony trojan, a credential stealer & downloader. It downloaded other malwares from th ebelow url set (gotta hack the bins to know these too), later on I know is Zbot:
h00p://www.netnet-viaggi.it/2L6L.exe h00p:// h00p://paulcblake.com/ngY.exe h00p:// processes after downloading is becoming like:

With some successful downloaded logs I recorded (for evidence purpose):
--2013-06-04 17:40:46-- h00p:// Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 305664 (299K) [application/x-msdownload] Saving to: `yqRSQ.exe' 100%[=====================>] 305,664 95.4K/s in 3.1s 2013-06-04 17:40:51 (95.4 KB/s) - `yqRSQ.exe' saved [305664/305664] --2013-06-04 17:40:59-- h00p://paulcblake.com/ngY.exe Resolving paulcblake.com... Connecting to paulcblake.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 305664 (299K) [application/x-msdownload] Saving to: `ngY.exe' 100%[=====================>] 305,664 144K/s in 2.1s 2013-06-04 17:41:02 (144 KB/s) - `ngY.exe' saved [305664/305664] --2013-06-04 17:41:15-- h00p:// Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 305664 (299K) [application/x-msdownload] Saving to: `PXVYGJx.exe' 100%[=====================>] 305,664 109K/s in 2.7s 2013-06-04 17:41:18 (109 KB/s) - `PXVYGJx.exe' saved [305664/305664]And then the daemonized of pony malware started:

You'll see the self-copied traces on the original malware (pony) and the downloaded one saved in the %Temp% and %AppData% as per below snapshot, noted the randomized in file names and the fake dates:

So we have actually two malwares in this case, the attached file is ZeuS-based PWS/pony botnet agent which downloading the trojan PWS/Stealer. Let's break it down one by one.
The Pony
The binary is compressed by aPLib v1.01, traces is here:
aPLib v1.01 - the smaller the better :) Copyright (c) 1998-2009 by Joergen Ibsen, All Rights Reserved. More information: http://www.ibsensoftware.com/It checked some basic info on your system "System Data.."
GetNativeSystemInfo IsWow64Process HWID "... and User's Data" My Documents AppData Local AppData Cache Cookies History My Documents Common AppData My Pictures Common Documents Common Administrative Tools Administrative Tools Personal [...]Then tried to grab your FTP Softwares, Browsers, Email, Terminal server, File sharing credential data like as per I pasted in pastebin here -->>[Pastebin]
Even attempt on accessing the facebook related data。The code was readable :-)
xthpt/:w/wwf.cabeoo.koc/m // Means: http://www.facebook.com/HTTP/1.0 POST communication's header decoded:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/5.0) POST %s HTTP/1.0 Host: %s Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity, *;q=0 Accept-Language: en-US Content-Length: %lu Content-Type: application/octet-stream Connection: close Content-Encoding: binary User-Agent: %s Content-Length: Location:HTTP/1,0 GET communication's header coded:
GET %s HTTP/1.0 Host: %s Accept-Language: en-US Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: identity, *;q=0 Connection: close User-Agent: %sString for logins :-)
diamond jason scooby thomas maxwell whatever cheese asdf hope internet joseph blink182 justin god sunshine banana maggie mustdie genesis jasmine james password christ gates maverick john forum purple chicken blessing soccer flower online letmein emmanuel test danielle snoopy qwerty1 taylor spirit mike cassie angels iloveyou2 1q2w3e4r friend lovely george knight victory grace fuckoff cookie summer hannah friends jordan23 passw0rd hello prince chelsea merlin princess dallas abc123 foobar poop junior pokemon phpbb compaq adidas red123 ilovegod blessed rainbow hahaha jordan jennifer 1q2w3e praise nathan heaven fuckyou1 aaaaaa saved myspace1 orange freedom blabla hunter nintendo hardcore dexter smokey testtest jesus1 digital pepper peanut shadow viper matthew asshole london peaches john316 none welcome winner harley apple computer football1 cool church mustang sparky rotimi biteme microsoft power buster bubbles bailey windows fuckyou william muffin thunder andrew robert blahblah 123abc soccer1 mickey qwert gateway faith destiny matrix lucky single asdfgh mother iloveyou! ginger loving jessica anthony joshua wisdom master football hockey gfhjkm stella jesus green batman qazwsx tigger hello1 mylove benjamin ghbdtn 123qwe michelle samuel corvette angel1 jasper testing admin starwars david canada angel superman hallo secret hotdog love eminem slayer killer enter cocacola trinity baseball silver scooter rachel creative daniel helpme richard password1 austin asdfasdf onelove google forever nicole peace dragon michael sammy qwerty zxcvbnm nothing guitar shalom trustno1 amanda baby prayer startrek dakota billgates monkey chris charlie samantha iloveyou1 ashley kitten looking iloveyou happy banditMalicious WSA base botnets calls used:
Client Hash STATUS-IMPORT-OK gethostbyname socket connect closesocket send select recv setsockoptSome PoC of request vs response of this binary's networking:

The Stealer is... Trojan ZeuS Botnet Agent (Zbot)
I analyzed sample like this in the recent popular malvertisement campaign like I pasted it here -->>[Pastebin]. This one is one of the kind, with the below highlights:
Process injection target:
launchpadshell.exe dirclt32.exe wtng.exe prologue.exe pcsws.exe fdmaster.exeUsual strings:
bancline fidelity micrsolv bankman vantiv episys jack henry cruisenet gplusmainEncoding ROT traces:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ |$$$}rstuvwxyz{$$$$$$$>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW$$$$$$XYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopq !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~Botnet connectivity by HTTP/1.1, also as per previous sample's has:
GET HTTP/1.1 Connection: Close Authorization Basic GET POST div script nbsp; connection proxy-connection content-length transfer-encoding upgrade chunked keep-alive closeBotnet commands:
URL is here -->>[VirusTotal]
SHA256:40b4fa7433319d2b4d2fc8e8265547665e6492d3d64d0ecc2b30108b8d732a1c SHA1: 4f3fda6c688c11a2a15bf88fb1ff005dc0045324 MD5: aa8463f91cd44a436d2468b33c2cafbb File size: 298.5 KB ( 305664 bytes ) File name: PXVYGJx.exe File type: Win32 EXE Tags: peexe Detection ratio: 2 / 47 Analysis date: 2013-06-04 08:46:46 UTC ( 2 hours, 55 minutes ago ) Fortinet : W32/Kryptik.AGAJ!tr McAfee-GW-Edition : Heuristic.LooksLike.Win32.Suspicious.B
Overall Network Analysis (To aim CnC)
A set of this infection will make an outbound traffic like this:
Which is showing the Zbot trojan downloader hosts below:
With the unique DNS requests as below:
Incoming UDP via local port 25916 are detected from below IP:
These are the source information:

The sample is shared for the research purpose and raising the detection ratio.

Download is here -->>[MediaFire]
Another Zeus P2P (79e5ee6dd3bedc56adf1c7590a9487b5) dropped by 0abc65c2be51b33d479c05b10fc10586 (cc @malwaremustdie) twitter.com/Jipe_/status/3…
— Jean-Philippe (@Jipe_) June 5, 2013